Monday, 28 January 2013

Pride and Prejudice

by Jane Austen

It is a truth universally acknowledged, that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife.

Today is the 200th anniversary of the first pubblication of the masterpiece known as Pride and Prejudice. To celebrate I joined in december to an italian Reading Group (HERE) with an audio version of the book, read by an amazing italian actress, Paola Cortellesi.

Elizabeth Bennet has four sisters, an intrusive mother, a resigned father, a remarkable pride and a certain inclination for prejudices, despite the esteem that she herself has for her intellect. Fitzwilliam Darcy has only one sister, a huge patrimony, an immense pride and some prejudice, too, expecially about people of a inferior rank than his. What ever could happen if this two characters eventually meet each other? ;)

This book is one of my favourite. I already read it two times: this one, with the audiobook, is the third reading for me.

I really love everything about this book! Expecially the characters! But all Jane Austen's characters are really exceptional! They can be good or bad, put there to be kidded, or loved and adored, but they're always perfect! They amuse us, irritate us, move us, captivate us.

I remembered pretty well the plot, but anyhow I enjoyed it a lot! For example I felt a very big emotion listening to amazing chapters 34, 35 and 36, and than the finale.

Austen's style is beautiful in every format (but I still haven't read this book in english... next time!). The novel is as extraordinary as I remebered! Very enjoyable to listen to, in every way: characters, dialogues, details... everything!!! I was really excited before I started the book, but I think that I really had no idea: listening to this novel instead than reading it, has been really wonderful! It was like being cuddled! And, most of all, while I was listening to this audiobook I thought about Jane Austen age, when ladies gathered togheter to embroider while one of them was reading out for the others, or better, I picured Jane herself while reading this work to her family!

After the umpteenth re-reading, this book proves itself one of my favourite, exciting and surprising like the first time! Ha closed the e-reader with the satisfaction mixed with a little regret that always goes with most beautiful books. And, once again, I fell in love with Darcy, and Elizabeth!

Book Info

Title: Pride and Prejudice
Author: Jane Austen
Italian title: Orgoglio e pregiudizio
First publication date: 1813
Publisher: emons:audiolibri

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