Monday, 30 June 2014

Chuck - season 1&2 (58 Icons)

I still havan't finished to watch this series, but I like it very much! In particular I like agent John Casey (played by Adam Baldwin), so, as you can image, my icons are mostly about him! :) In fact, the main character, Chuck, is present only with him! And then I dedicated some icons to a minor character, Bryce Larkin, because he's toooooo cool! :)

Non ho ancora finito di guardare questa serie, ma mi piace molto! In paticolare mi paice il personaggio di John Casey (interpretato da Adam Baldwin), così, come potete immaginare, le mie icone sono soprattutto su di lui! :) In effetti, il protagonista, Chuck, è presente solo con lui! E poi alcune icone sono dedicate a un personaggio minore, Bryce Larkin, perché è troooooooooooppo figo! :)


s01e01: 01-16
s01e10: 17-28
s02e01: 29-31
s02e06: 32-34
s02e09: 35-38
s02e21: 39-40
s02e22: 41-43
various season 2: 44-58

Bryce Larkin: 01-02,04,23-28
Chuck Bartowski: 39
John Casey: 05-09,12-16,29-33,35-38,41,44-53,55-58

Casey/Bryce: 10-11
Casey/Chuck: 17-22,34,40,42-43
Casey/Sarah: 54

The Intersect: 03
Casey's disguises: 32,44-46,50-51,55-56,58

01. Bryce Larkin vs pc 02. Bryce 03. The Intersect 04. Bryce vs Intersect 05. Introducing John Casey

06. Casey B/W 07. John Casey 08. John Casey 09. John Casey 10. Bryce vs Casey

11. Bryce/Casey B/W 12. Close Casey 13. Close Casey 14. Close Casey 15. Close Casey

16. Mett the new employer! 17. Romantic moment 18. Romantic moment 19. Romantic moment 20. Chuck vs Casey

21. Chuck vs Casey 22. Chuck vs Casey 23. Guess who's back! 24. Smile 25. Brye B/W

26. HISlaH? 27. Larkin, Bryce Larkin 28. Eyes 29. Patch are sexy... 30. even in black&white

31. More light 32. Disguise: maître d’ 33. Incoming call 34. Kiss!!!! 35. Young Casey

36. Crazy 37. *growls* 38. Telephone 39. Unconfortable 40. Chuck vs Casey... again!

41. What the f...?! 42. It's just a hugh, Casey! 43. Love 44. Disguise: Barman 45. Disguise: Nerd

46. Disguise: Liftboy 47. Patches, again 48. Dangerous work 49. *growls* 50. Disguise: Businessman

51. Disguise: Geek 52. Sepia 53. Smile 54. The Strange Couple 55. Disguise: Fulcrum

56. Disguise: WindowCleaner 57. *growls* 58. Disguises - -

If you're interested you can find all my icons in one page HERE.
Se siete interessati potete trovare tutte le mie icone in un'unica pagina QUI.

Feel free to use and/or share these icons, but please:
- don't alter them
- save them on your own server, or on some free host (for example imageshack) - do no hotlink!
- give credit to
Thanks! :)

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