Sunday, 17 August 2014

Primeval - Sunday morning (Fanfic)

Title: Sunday morning
Fandom: Primeval
Word Count: 100
Rating: G
Genre: gen
Challenge: 250 - Past Prompts at primeval_100 (233 - The Natural History Museum)
Characters/Pairing: James Lester, William Lester (OC)
Warnings: none
Spoilers: none, but set after 2.06
Disclaimer: Primeval (unfortunately) is not mine, it belongs to Impossible Pictures. I don't intend violate any copyrigth, it's just for fun.
Author's Note: see after the fic

Also posted at AO3 and FanFiction.Net

What more wonderful way to spend a Sunday morning than a visit to Natural History Museum with three little imps among six and twelve?

But despite the annoying situation, he isn’t really complaining to be there. He spends too little time with his kids, the least he can do is to do everything possible to let them enjoy themselves.

“Daddy!” William’s voice distracts him from his thoughts.

“Daddy, come here! Look! Isn’t it awesome? It’s my favourite, without any doubt!”

“Yes, really awesome.” Lester smiles to his boy: “It’s my favourite too” said then, looking at the woolly mammoth model.

Author's Note: When I wrote this fic (febrary 2012) I didn't know if there really was a mammoth at the Natural History Museum. Well, now THERE IS! Until 7 september, and I'm going to see it!!!

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