Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Teablogs Tuesday (5)

This is a weekly (more or less) feature in wich I'll share with you some interesting stuff I found on the net, obviously about tea. It's a way to chat about tea even if I haven't any of "mine" to add, gleaning from the amazing discovers made hither and thither about this "topic" that thrills me more and more!
Questa è una rubrica settimanale (più o meno) in cui condivido con voi qualche post interessante sul mondo del tè che ho trovato in rete. E' un modo per parlare di tè anche quando non ho qualcosa di "mio" da aggiungere, attingendo alle meraviglie scoperte qua e là su questo "argomento" che mi appassiona sempre di più!

tea stuff

tea & food

A photo posted by Victoria 🎀 (@vickiohyeah) on

tea & people

A very cool video I found HERE: Mark Twain having tea with his doughters! Filmed by Thomas Edison! Awesome!

Another video, posted by the actor Misha Collins, about a Tea Party in 2010. Very nice! :)

Al last, a picture, because really everyone likes tea, everyone! :)

A photo posted by Teatime_bb (@teatime_rooms) on

tea & movies

Tea Goes To Hollywood, a very interesting post about 5 foamous films with a beautiful scene including a "much-needed cup of tea". Awesome. And I've watched 3 out of five of them.

tea picture(s)

A photo posted by Ahmad Tea (@ahmadtea) on


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