Tuesday, 25 May 2021

Persepolis [#books #review]

by Marjane Satrapi

Page 81

Persepolis is a book that is both a personal journal and a social problem novel. My edition is part of a series called "graphic journalism", and in fact, in addition to being an autobiography, it can also be considered a reportage about life in Iran after the revolution.
In Satrapi drawings we can find her love for her country and its culture and the suffering in realizing that she can no longer live there; the difficulties that we have all encountered in growing up, and the anguish of having lived them in such a dangerous situation.
It's a book made up of many stories, some more painful, others more frightening, some even of redemption or hope, but on the whole it isn't certainly a cheerful reading.
I liked this graphic novel very much, not only because it helped me to better understand a recent historical event, but also for Satrapi's skill in showing us the life of an entire country while remaining focused on the personal events of a single person.
A book that I recommend to everyone.

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