Saturday, 29 July 2023

¡Contemos 5 ranas! [#books #review]

by Pato Mena


This is a children's book, I mean small children, to be clear it's one of those books with a few words per page, sometimes even none, just pictures.
So why did I, an adult, liked it much? Well, the drawings are very cute. The book is funny and amusing, and at the end there's a little "plot twist" that I won't reveal because I find it brilliant!
I can't say exactly what age it is indicated for, but let's say maybe up to 5/6 years old? But, as I said, I enjoyed it as an adult!
Seriously, a fun, original, educational, super adorable children's book!


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Vader's little princess [#books #reviews]

by Jeffrey Brown Star Wars: Darth Vader and Son ← Darth Vader and Son Goodnight Darth Vader → Rating: 9 /10