Monday 27 May 2013

Movies - Star Wars, episode III (1 Blend)

A fanart dedicated to Anakin. Lyrics from "Too much love will kill you" by Queen.

Una fanart dedicata ad Anakin. Le parole sono da "Too much love will kill you" dei Queen

Too much love will kill you
(click to enlarge)
Too much love will kill you

With this fanart I won the special prize at The Lovely Challenge.
con questa fanart ho vinto lo special prize al The Lovely Challenge.

Feel free to use and/or share my creations, but please:
- don't alter them
- save them on your own server, or on some free host (for example imageshack) - do no hotlink!
- give credit to
Thanks! :)

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Il mio nuovo sogno [#canzone] [#song]

Cinzix ft. Alessio Szachowky Cover of the italian version of the song I see the light from Tangled Cover della canzone di Rapunzel