Saturday, 14 June 2014

Primeval - Episode 5.02 (3 Fanart)

I really loved Lester in this episode! Er... ok, I love Lester always :D, but in this episode he had a brief scene with the Admiral in wich, only with words, he runs to the rescue Jess! Love love him!!!
Moments later, another short exchange of words made me love him even more! :D
So I made this two fanart, and after my first attempt I made an animated version of the second one!
And here they are! :)

Ho amato davvero Lester in questo episodio! Ehm... ok, io amo sempre Lester :D, ma in questo episodio ha una breve scena con l'Ammiraglio in cui, solo con le parole, corre in aiuto di Jess! Lo aaaaamo!!!
Qualche momento dopo, un altro piccolo scambio di parole me l'ha fatto amare ancora di più! :D
Così ho fatto queste due fanart, e dopo il mio primo tentativo ho fatto una versione animata del secondo!
Ed eccole qui! :)

Admiral's Coffee
(click to enlarge)
Admiral's Coffe
Highest Caliber
(click to enlarge)
Highest Caliber
Highest Caliber - animated version
Highest Caliber

Feel free to use and/or share my creations, but please:
- don't alter them
- save them on your own server, or on some free host (for example imageshack) - do no hotlink!
- give credit to
Thanks! :)

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