Monday, 8 August 2016

Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., Episode 3.22 "Ascension" [#tvseries #review]

← Ep. 21 "Absolution"
Ep. 4.01 "The Ghost" →

You know killing me won't make the pain go away. Or will it? I can't remember.

This is the last episode of the season, when we finally know the identity of the #FallenAngent, if and potentially how Hive is defeated, and we lay the foundations for the next season.
But before all of that, in this episode there is the best scene of all this TV season (IMHO), and it's obviously about Coulson! If he wasn't already my favorite character and I didn't already totally adore him, I'd start doing it now: in a very serious moment, where the fate of the clash is being decided, he takes a moment to treat himself with a quote from Star Wars!

I would like to say a few words about Hive. He was the Big Bad of this season, and, well, he was pretty good at it. His power was incredible, almost endless, his plan really terrible, especially after he took Daisy. Yet in the end I can't say he was really, honestly, truly bad! First, he was really convinced he was acting for the good not only of all the Inhumans, but also humans, convinced that carrying out his plan would really brought peace to the world. When he first appeared I remember I was wondering how Brett Dalton would play the character, how much like Ward he would be. At the beginning he didn't seem very different from the former agent which body he was wearing, but gradually I realized that there were difference, and they were also interesting. Leaving aside the Neo-look, Hive is always extremely calm, and has a curious way of speaking, slowly and enunciating perfectly every single word. In short, a very interesting character, which has in himself not only thoughts and memories of generations of sacrificial victims, but also the experience of a millennial life. Don't get me wrong, I hated him very much, but he's a great character!


Built this damn thing for a reason.
Mack and his shotgun-axe

I don't give a damn about your powers. They're not what made you an agent. I did.
May to Daisy

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Vader's little princess [#books #reviews]

by Jeffrey Brown Star Wars: Darth Vader and Son ← Darth Vader and Son Goodnight Darth Vader → Rating: 9 /10