Monday, 8 July 2019

The Mighty Thor Vol. 3 [#comics #review]

by Matt Fraction, Barry Kitson, Pepe Larraz

The Mighty Thor Vol. 2
Mighty Thor / Journey Into Mystery: Everything Burns

Because dreams are kind of what make us great.
Jeff Fisher
(#17, page 131)

I started this series with Thor because I was intrigued by story arc about Loki brought back to life as a child, I hoped it could be a way to show us more of the relationship between the two brothers. In the first volumes it was at least a bit true, even if Loki always appeared for a few pages, but in this comic book he's basically absent. I believe and hope, however, that he'll return in the next collection because he's present on the cover, and for this reason I believe that sooner or later I will conclude this narrative arc written by Fraction.

I can't say I truly liked this third volume of the Mighty Thor, but it was interesting, especially for the peculiar enemy that Thor and the others are facing: the Mares. The characters are not bad either. The Enchantress, Amora, really intrigued me: she's obviously very beautiful, not very much dressed, and she only wears the color green, so much so that even her nail polish and her lipstick are green. She looks very powerful, even if she obviously loses every time, but I imagine she'll come back. From the way Thor at one point tells her Amora, I hate you. it seemed to me that the Enchantress' destructive incursions into Asgard are quite a recurring event.

Another interesting character I met in these comic books is Hreidmar, the Dwarf. First of all, these Dwarves here look a little like the goblins in Harry Potter: little, green and a bit grim. When Hreidmar appeared the first time, with his excessive obsequiousness towards the royals of Asgardia, I thought he was somewhat dishonest, but I was wrong. In the end I appreciated him because he was the first to understand the Mares problem.

A nice story, pleasant to read but that confirms that Thor is not the kind of hero that suits me.

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Vader's little princess [#books #reviews]

by Jeffrey Brown Star Wars: Darth Vader and Son ← Darth Vader and Son Goodnight Darth Vader → Rating: 9 /10