Sunday, 14 January 2024

The Body in the Library [#books #review]

by Agatha Christie

Miss Marple
The Thirteen Problems
The Moving Finger

Downstairs in the lounge, by the third pillar from the left, there sits an old lady with a sweet, placid spinsterish face, and a mind that has plumbed the depths of human iniquity and taken it as all in the day's work. Her name's Miss Marple. She comes from the village of St Mary Mead, which is a mile and a half from Gossington, she's a friend of the Bantrys—and where crime is concerned she's the goods.
Sir Henry
(Page 103)

It's been a long time since I read a Miss Marple novel and, as much as I love Poirot, I have to say that I missed my dear old Jane very much!
The novel is very pleasant, I liked the plot, the mystery, the characters, and, obviously, our splendid amateur detective who once again outwits everyone, not only the murderer but also the professional investigators who just can't understand the subtleties of the human soul like our Jane does!


Mrs Bantry was dreaming. Her sweet peas had just taken a First at the flower show. The vicar, dressed in cassock and surplice, was giving out the prizes in church. His wife wandered past, dressed in a bathing-suit, but as is the blessed habit of dreams this fact did not arouse the disapproval of the parish in the way it would assuredly have done in real life...

'Doesn't it remind you of anything?'
For Miss Marple had attained fame by her ability to link up trivial village happenings with graver problems in such a way as to throw light upon the latter.
(Page 15)

Slack was an industrious and zealous officer and Melchett disliked him a good deal.
(Page 42)

Jane Marple's a very remarkable woman.
Signora Bantry
(Page 141)

One does see so much evil in a village.
Miss Marple
(Page 158)

You simply cannot afford to believe everything that people tell you. When there's anything fishy about, I never believe anyone at all! You see, I know human nature so well.
Miss Marple
(Page 170)

The truth is, you see, that most people—and I don't exclude policemen—are far too trusting for this wicked world. They believe what is told them. I never do. I'm afraid I always like to prove a thing for myself.
Miss Marple
(Page 210)

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Vader's little princess [#books #reviews]

by Jeffrey Brown Star Wars: Darth Vader and Son ← Darth Vader and Son Goodnight Darth Vader → Rating: 9 /10