Thursday, 31 December 2020

The A B C Murders [#books #review]

by Agatha Christie

Death in the Clouds
Murder in Mesopotamia

In this narrative of mine I have departed from my usual practice of relating only those incidents and scenes at which I myself was present. Certain chapters, therefore, were written in the third person.

A book that departs a little from the usual ones of the Queen of Mistery, in various aspects, and for this reason it intrigued me a lot. Nevertheless this book, in the end, still contains the basic elements that I love so much and that I appreciate, if I have to be honest, for their familiarity, too. For example Poirot's deductive work, Hastings' mistakes, the arrogance of the policeman on duty, various clues cleverly disseminated. A really good reading to end pleasantly the year!


Words, mademoiselle, are only the outer clothing of ideas.
(Page 136)

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